- FreakZiIIA8 left a commentThis isn't me lmæo, how can we be active at the same time
- IllREDRUMllI left a commentHi frank
- HaydenDude0811 left a commentI Am Almost You
- HaydenDude0811 left a commentFreakZillA8 Detected
- eduardx088 left a commentFreakladonn whyy youu blockk mee??
- aztaaskh left a commentTHANKS FOR FOLLOW
- ady_shady1 left a commentThanks for the vote :)
- Jkitch313 left a commentAre you freakzilla?
- OutShyner left a commentY Block Me
- JettMcfarlane67 left a commentSeu muito legal
- FlansGotSweaters left a commentFreakZiIIA8
- Midnight_Kit8 left a comment< clue > with no spaces
- JettMcfarlane67 left a commentTo hauhautanga!
- lilmonsterdemon left a commentHi Freak
- OWNERFrankZilla2185 left a commentNo sorry i didn't know who they were when I got a dreams acount sorry for the misconception
- TheAnimationBoy left a commentAre you FreakZillA8?
- OWNERFrankZilla2185 left a commentIm not so good at dream so give me honest feed back :)