- shark_pool left a commentHello
- Br_D_S left a commentVai Corinthians
- -Former-Dreamer left a commentHello
- dyltopher left a commentLet that house haunt me for like an hour. Follow those dreams
- Panda-cool left a commentBrilliant
- Comment deleted
- stephen-t_91 left a commentYour creepy house juste make me think the same I the Helboy univers
- DoubreRucky left a commentKeep killing it!
- Horssen- left a comment
- imtheguy16 left a commentThank you for the wonderful response! I understand you were learning to create and that you didn't expect to win. Also, please keep your level up. Do not delete it! You worked harded on it and it's not your fault it won. You're all good
- imtheguy16 left a commentWhy am I being so passionate about random issues like this? Why am I having constant OCD and meticulously trying to perfect what I have to say over this silly issue and causing unneeded work? What am I doing? Why?? I need to chill and stop this..
- imtheguy16 left a comment-greivous level he still doesn't credit so that's stolen, or does he actually care about being good now and just forgot to delete it or something? Or he actually stealing that willingly? But then the witch house? I have no idea
- imtheguy16 left a commentI'm starting to think theindieboy, since he credited the OC of the witch house, and he said 'it's a major rework of his creation' that he realized stealing is bad, so he found an appropriate way to make the remix appropriate and ok? But then the general-
- imtheguy16 left a commentI do believe you can change, but you have GOT to stop stealing others work. Please unlist your stolen levels, then start doing your own stuff and you can be amazed at what you can mak! Just please stop stealing tho. You can do better
- imtheguy16 left a commentSo instead of stealing other's work, make your own thing! Using assets and packs and so on is OK, it's just completely taking another's work is a problem. So please start making your own stuff, let the creativity flow, and you'll feel really good!
- imtheguy16 left a commentThere's no need to steal other's work. When you plagiarize something, even if you think it feels good, it also makes you feel guilty like 'Hey! I didn't make this' and then you feel guilty. But when you make something original? It's a great feeling
- imtheguy16 left a commentDreams is a wonderful community with kindness all around, but stealing content and passing it as yours is very disrespectful and unacceptable. Dreams was not made for copy and paste like this. Please be kind of heart and don't steal anymore.
- imtheguy16 left a commentNo excuses. You still have not deleted the General Grevious and Witch house levels. You know that stealing content is disrespectful, yet you still have stolen content on here. You stole the Witch house and general grevious. Please delete them.
- DiamondDiancie10 left a commentHey, it's really disrespectful to go about remixing people's stuff and passing it off as your own. If you're struggling with creating, you're in a very kind and helpful community and I'm sure that we can help you make original content.
- Andrucaaa left a commentNice
- Yelectrics left a commentHow did you animate the owl?
- xBnj-AT left a commentNice stuff
- the_original_se left a commentYou need to stop taking other peoples creations and trying to pass them off as your own.
- cloudbloom left a commentGood stuff
- spiYdrz left a commentMore star wars stuff !
- applebeesNYC left a commentNice
- PC430BH left a commentHow do you get the robot imp?
- ooombasa left a commentYo
- Marjerie left a commentSo I think the collab invite was for the trophy. No trouble, please remove me from the collab again ^^